Saturday, May 1, 2021

Craft Project


Summary: In class we learned about Pablo Picasso’s continuous line concept. We celebrated Earth Day by drawing an earth landscape using a continuous line. To add color to the landscape we used bubble painting. The bubble painting mixture was a great way to color our projects. It was also a fun and different media to explore.

Extension Activity: An extension activity I would do with my class would be to create a class banner using bubble painting. This could be an outdoor activity that the students would enjoy. I would have each student add their own background piece that would relate to the theme chosen by the class. Then at the end of the year, we could cut up the banner as a class and each student would get to take their piece of the banner home.

Clay Project


Summary: In this project lesson, we learned about different types of clay and their different processes. We got shown examples of what other artists use clay for. Our instructions for this project were to create a plate that symbolizes ourselves. We used a variety of different clay tools to create our projects. We were instructed to create trinket plates with added and subtracted pieces. We also had to use at least two different colors to paint our plates with.

Extension Activity: An extension activity for this project could be to have the students create something that they can use in their everyday lives. This could be a variety of different things, including plates, cups, bowls, etc. I would have my student explain how they are going to use it and have them decorate it with added and subtracted pieces that express themselves. 

Printmaking Project


Summary: This was the lesson I taught with my partner. We based our printmaking lesson off of Andy Warhol’s works. We used foam plates as our print media. Our students were instructed to sketch images that represent themselves. Once they drew these sketches and put them on their foam plates, they started the printing process. This can be messy but the students printed 4 images and had to write sentences on why each symbol represented themselves.

Extension Activity: An extension activity I would use would be to partner students together and work on a bigger print based off of a topic in a different subject. For example, in science, students could create prints of bones or plants. This would make the project more fun and interactive. Then they would present the project together and complete a written assignment.

Paper Project

Summary: For this paper project we did a weaving activity. We learned about some cultures that use weaving. Some of these include Kente and Hutterite cultures. We used three different colors of paper to create our weaving activity. We were instructed to cut our base color into strips and then cut our other two colors. Using the other two colors, we weaved them into our base color. At the ends we cut the excess piece into smaller strips to make it look like a rug.

Extension Activity: For an extension activity I would have my students create a mini basket using the weaving method. This way they could create something useful while also learning about different cultures. I may also find a way to create an opportunity so that the students would be able to show off and talk about their projects. 


Painting Project


Summary: In class we learned about and created artworks inspired by the artist Ted Harrison. We learned about how he uses bold colors and contrasting colors in his pieces. For this piece, we created a valley landscape. We used cool colors, (greens, blues, purples, etc.), for the valley part of the landscape. Then we used warm colors, (reds, oranges, yellow, etc.), for the sky sunset/sunrise part of the landscape. By using watercolors, we were able to work on color blending skills.

Extension Activity: An extension activity that I would create for my students would be to have them paint a landscape that they have seen before. This could be a wide variety of landscapes. I may also have them attach a written assignment so that this art could be integrated into the classroom. This would also give them an opportunity to present what they created in front of the class.

Drawing Project


Summary: For this lesson we explored illusions. We looked at several illusions as a class and discussed them together. We had to use four different medias for this project. We were instructed to make a bubble letter or letters of our choice. There had to be a grid within the bubble letter that was colored alternatively. Then we had to create another illusion as a background. I did mine as an abstract shape with curved lines, but other people did more grids or other sectioned lines.

Extension Activity: As an extension activity, I would instruct the students to use either their first or last names, an object that represents them, or a word that represents them to be the subject of their illusion. Then, once the projects were completed, I would have a group discussion where everyone could share what their subject was and why they chose it.

Hidden Safari

Summary: As first graders, our class went on a hidden safari. We made classes out of a red, see-through film. We then used the upside-down drawing method to hide our animals. We drew our hidden animals using a blue colored pencil. After we had completed our drawing, we took warm colors and created repeating shapes. Each repeating shape layer helped to hide the animal. After we completed our patterns, we used our glasses to find our animals in our projects.

Extension Activity: An extension activity could be grouping students together and having one student wear the glasses. All the artworks would be spread out around the room. The different groups of students would have to walk around the room and take turns wearing the glasses. Whoever is wearing the glasses would have to look at the animal and create clues to tell their group. 


Craft Project

  Summary: In class we learned about Pablo Picasso’s continuous line concept. We celebrated Earth Day by drawing an earth landscape using a ...